Arch. Christof Lampadius


In 2016 Christof Lampadius founded LSA Architects in München, Bayer. About its architecture and design studio he says: “we work in all phases and levels. From urbanistic planning, to designing urban districts and commercial areas, private buildings and to extensions for different uses. The planning and design services comprehend projects in Germany and abroad for private, commercial and public clients. The general planning, it takes into consideration urban designing planning including economics, ecologic and socio-economical aspects. The projects are developed by our team, composed by town planner and architects, energetic consultant and other special experts (e.g., environmental, traffic or sound protector expert).The planning comprehends every necessary service for a proper planning approval of buildings and extensions. We consider the project as the result of an intense dialogue with the client, where desires and ideas are received and translated into architecture. Our planification process is supported by 3D visualizations and 3D printers to verify and better illustrate the spatial considerations. Beyond the structural and planning issues, there is a particular attention to the energetic and ecological aspects. Specialized experts are therefore involved since the very designing beginning in order to guarantee the effective actuation of recent standards.

Monaco di Baviera Germany
Villa Stoef
Model on request

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